Sunday, December 27, 2009

Getting back in the game... Sort of...

I just finished an adaptation of a novel to screenplay form.  It was roughly two years of my creative life. 

Although I did it as an exercise and won't gain anything financially, what I learned...  Well, it was rewarding to say the least.  Now I move on to some original work.  I plan on having a complete draft before my 40th birthday.  Yeah.  Fuckin' 40.  It's not so bad.

It will be good to jump back in.  Not being able to hang out with all those guys and girls I knew so intimately for two years.  I find myself getting lonely.  It's so peculiar.  Writing is a lonely existence and yet-  Not writing proves to be the same, if not worse.  There's only one cure I know of...

You guessed it.  Writing.